Who out there loves kale? Anybody? Bueller? Yea, that's what I thought. I am not to fond of it myself. But kale, along with many other greens are super nutrient dense! So, when I saw kale chips online, I thought,'I have to try these!' I went to the store to buy some kale and there were two varieties, red leaf and green leaf. And next to the kale were collard greens, mustard greens, and chard. I think, 'why not?' If you can make kale chips, why not chard chips or mustard green chips??? I picked up one of each kind of green. On the way to check out, I passed the beets...and yes, you know what I'm thinking...beet green chips?! I am really excited now! When I got home, I Googled the recipe, and found a few variations, all with different oven temps and cooking times. I will give you the instructions that I think worked best. I am not an expert at these yet, only made them twice, but I am loving it and am so excited to pass along the idea. When else are you and your family going to eat this many greens?! Get excited people, even my kids loved them!

Wash the greens and dry the leaves in salad spinner or with paper towel. Tear the leaves into big chunks. Mix the greens with the olive oil and whatever other ingredients you choose. You could add garlic or chili powder also. See the variations I made below.
Sour ChipGreens, kale or otherwise
Olive oil
Lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
Simple ChipGreens, kale or otherwise
Olive oil
Cheesy ChipGreens, kale or otherwise
Olive oil
Parmesan Cheese

Spread the greens out over a cookie sheet. I put aluminum foil down and sprayed with olive oil. For all varieties,
Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. The lemon chips took a little longer and did better on the lower rack in the oven. The greens that crisped up the best was first the kale, followed by collard greens and beet greens. The kids loved the lemon ones the best and the adults liked the cheesy variety. We served ours with homemade salsa! (see the Salsa blog post for recipes)

Let me know if you try them and what worked best for you! Enjoy!
I need to try these kale chips. I've seen them on so many blogs. I love that you added parmesan. Sounds so yummy!